Conveyancing and land law, commercial corporate law practice, banking and corporate finance, intellectual property, Insurance Law, Debt Collection, Constitutional and Civil Litigation in all areas, Probate & Administration, Employment / Labour Law, Tax law, Criminal law, Alternative dispute resolution (ADR),
The Firm is headed by the Managing Partner, who is responsible for its day to day management. He is the main contact person with clients, other firms and organizations. The Office of the Managing Partner effectively provides overall supervision and general responsibility for all conveyancing, commercial, corporate and arbitration.
In addition to the above, the office of the Managing Partner also exercises the following functions:
People: Identifying, recruiting and developing partners and associates suitable for the execution of firm’s mission.
Planning: Seeking all available information, Defining group task, purpose or goal; and Making a workable plan (in the right decision-making framework)
Initiating: Briefing team on the aims and the plan; Explaining why aim or plan is necessary; Allocating tasks to group members; Setting team standards
Controlling: Maintaining group standards; influencing organization-al speed; ensuring all actions are taken towards objectives; Keeping discussions relevant; and prodding group into action/decision.
Supporting: Expressing acceptance of persons and their contributions; Encouraging team/individuals.
Disciplining: attending to team/individuals discipline; creating team spirit; Relieving tension with humour, Reconciling disagreements or getting others to explore them; informing; clarifying task or roles; giving new information to the group, and keeping the team in the picture.
Receiving information from the group: Summarizing suggestions and ideas coherently.
Evaluating: Checking feasibility of an idea; Testing the consequences of proposed solution; Evaluating team performance; Helping team or individual to evaluate their performance against standards.
The Office of the Partner is responsible for ensuring that all litigation work executed by the Firm are as per statutory and Firm’s policy standards. The Partner also is responsible for client’s relations, customer care and services, service operations, and other administrative firm functions as relates to litigation.
In this regard, it is to the partner that all litigation associates are answerable. The partner also ensures that all research, write-ups and consultations regarding matters litigation by all associates in all branches of the firm are well undertaken.
The office of the partner also ensures that periodic reports, often produced quarterly, are well prepared and transmitted to clients in a timely manner.
The Firm engages advocates on an association model in which all such associates are given independences to provide legal services as permitted by law. Thus, the Firm encourages proactiveness and professionalism at all levels of associates’ contact with our clients.
Associates not only undertake legal work assigned to them but are also encouraged to explore other areas of legal practice for which they have keen interest and use the platform offered by the Firm to implement such practice areas.
Associates are also involved, on choice basis, in management of the firm at difference levels.
We have engaged legal assistants who are either undertaking their studies at Kenya School of Law or holding over pending admission to the Roll of Advocates or who are currently at various universities undertaking degrees in law or pupils. Our advocates provide core training to such legal assistants on the practice of law and general management of law firm business.